(March 2024)

AIWC Vision Statement:

A supportive and caring community of international women building relationships of mutual respect and understanding. We provide the opportunity to make new friends, enriching our community with our multi-cultural perspectives, while also providing opportunities to give back to the local society through charity.

Founded originally in 1994 by four members, the Almaty International Women’s Club (AIWC) was formally registered as a public foundation on May 21, 1999. It is an English speaking social organization which supports the expat community living in Almaty and gives back to the local community through charities. Its members are from foreign countries or- if Kazakh nationals – have spent a minimum of 1 year abroad or are married to an Expat.

This code provides guidelines for the conduct required by all AIWC members. Persons who are unsure whether an information or idea they want to share, or the conduct of another member complies with this code should directly contact one of the members of the AIWC Board of Trustees (for example,

This code is subject to change and may be amended, supplemented or superseded by one or more separate policies. The following outlines the AIWC Code of Conduct:

1. General principles for conduct

The members of the Almaty International Women’s Club (AIWC) are expected, at all times, to act lawfully, honestly, ethically, and in the best interests of the AIWC while participating as a member of the club. Each AIWC member should take care to ensure that the club is a safe and secure environment for all members.

2. Respectful, honest and accurate communication

We have an open and transparent culture in AIWC, and this code is not intended to stifle ongoing dialogue and sharing that has facilitated the sense of community within the organization. Rather, each member should use his/her judgment to share only what is appropriate within and outside of the club.

But as a general principle, all communication should be respectful, clear, honest and accurate. This requires being mindful of the fact that the club is an English-speaking organization but composed of members from many cultures and backgrounds. It also requires respecting that the club is not a platform for promoting a business, a religion or other personal / political opinions.  

Members should also be aware in their communication about potential risks to individual members or the overall club environment and reputation, which can occur through inaccurate or misleading statements (which can include but is not limited to false information, misrepresentation, breach of trust, unfair disclosure or blatant slander) and the use of disrespectful language towards individual members or the club overall.

3. Safeguarding confidential information

Disclosure of sensitive / confidential information can seriously damage the AIWC reputation, relationships between members, relationships in the community, expose the club to liability and cause harm to the organization. Particular sensitivity is therefore required with regard to Please always keep in mind thatthe improper use or disclosure of confidential information on members and the club. All AIWC members have access to a certain level of member’s personal contact information and it is of utmost importance that all AIWC members treat this data with sensitivity and caution, only sharing or passing on information with express permission. Personal data and information are considered confidential and subject to privacy protection in many jurisdictions.

AIWC members who serve in leadership positions or on committees (as well as the Board of Trustees) are required to respect confidential information entrusted to them and must always keep such information in strict confidence. Confidential information includes (but is not limited to) personal information shared directly or indirectly, event planning, opinions shared during decision-making discussions etc.

4. Financial Integrity and Responsibility

AIWC members serving in leadership positions or on committees (including the Board of Trustees), are expected to exercise sound judgment with respect to all matters involving AIWC finances and activities. Entering into contracts, or making small or larger purchases for the AIWC should only be done after approval by the Board, or if an activity has generally already been approved, after confirmation from the treasurer in charge. For all transactions, financial records in the form of invoiced, receipts and Bank / Kaspi transaction statements should be kept on behalf of AIWC.

The treasurer is required to keep accurate records, periodically submit accurate and complete reports to the Board, and comply with AIWC internal controls as well as ensure compliance with applicable financial requirements and sound financial standards.

AIWC is committed to transparency and integrity of its financial and annual reports and other public communications. The Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring that the disclosure of all reports is full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable. All board members are responsible for handling this information respectively, maintaining the integrity of AIWC. 

5. Conflicts of Interest

AIWC members are expected to use their judgment to act, at all times and in all ways, in the best interests of the club. As such, AIWC members should attempt to avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest exists when your personal interests interfere with the best interests of AIWC. For example, you may not use your position as a member with AIWC to promote your personal business or a business that you are directly or indirectly involved in. A conflict of interest may also arise from a personal relationship with a sponsor, business, charity or other members, if that relationship impairs or may be perceived to impair your objective judgment. Other specific areas of potential conflict of interest can include (but is not limited to):

  • personal relationships with sponsors/business partners
  • serving on other boards and investing in other organizations
  • promoting your business or place of work
  • financial donations
  • certain personal relationships with members

Members who have such a conflict of interest rule are requested to contact the Board prior to posting any information in the general chat.

For Board members, the best rule for any situation that appears to have a conflict of interest is to “abstain and disclose.” If it is not possible to avoid participating in an event or activity that is creating the conflict: 1. Promptly disclose the potential conflict and resolve it 2. Avoid participating in decisions that might raise the appearance of a conflict until you receive appropriate guidance from the Board of Trustees.

6. Compliance with All Laws

All AIWC members are expected to act within the bounds of applicable laws, rules and regulations of Kazakhstan. The application of these can be complex and fact-dependent. If you have any questions regarding applicability and interpretation of any law, rule or regulation, you can contact the Board of Trustees.

7. Harassment

AIWC does not tolerate harassment or any mistreatment (that could take the form of but is not limited to threats, insults, liable and the like) by or of its members, guests or agency partners in the club or in club-related situations on the basis of sex, race, color, nationality, ethnic or national origin, ancestry, citizenship, religion (or belief, where applicable), age, physical or mental disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, veteran status, marital status or any other category protected under applicable federal or local law. If you suspect unlawful harassment, discrimination, or retaliation has occurred, you may provide a written complaint to the AIWC Board of Trustees for review and investigation.

8. Reporting Violations

If any member learns of or suspects a violation of this code, he/she should promptly report it to the AIWC Board of Trustees. This can be done anonymously or informally (for example through a phone call)

AIWC will keep the report, as well as any ensuing discussions and actions confidential to the greatest extent possible. AIWC will not retaliate against anyone making a good-faith report of a potential violation. AIWC will investigate any report of a violation. The individual must then cooperate fully with any investigation, but should not investigate independently, as the process is complex, and he/she may risk compromising the integrity of that formal investigation/evaluation.

9. Disciplinary actions

Conduct that violates the law or AIWC organizational policies is grounds for prompt disciplinary action. Discipline for a violation may range from a warning to immediate termination of membership. Where any laws have been violated, AIWC will cooperate fully with the appropriate authorities.

As a legally registered non-governmental organization, the Almaty International Women’s Club also reserves the right to revoke membership or disallow membership renewal based on any violation of the above outlined code.

Decisions on disciplinary actions will be taken by the Board of Trustees, based on a simple majority vote.